Friday, October 06, 2006

Dear Family & Friends,

Welcome to our blog! Even though Chris and I refused the idea of having a blog for a long time, we finally decided to have one to be able to share our hearts and dreams with all of you.

After two and half years of marriage, two wonderful jobs and an amazing group of friends and family who make our lives a blessing, our hearts still haven’t been able to forget our desire to return to Argentina.

We can almost see the young people of La Plata sitting with friends sipping on coffee and laughing loudly as they attempt to study. Along with this picture others come to mind: lost students whose lives are centered around clubing on Saturday night, drunken youths spread throughout the main street, anorexic girls striving to get the body they’ll never have and new believers in Christ who are struggling to be professionals in the real world.

In response to the growing needs of the students of La Plata, the country leader of the Navigators has invited us to lead the campus ministry. We desire to return long term to work as a link between the lost and the body of Christ. Our passion is to reach the lost where they are, establish a relationship with them, disciple them and connect them with the local body.

This new challenge that God is putting in out hearts is going to require many resources. We are putting together a team of friends who would partner with us through financial support and prayer.

Feel free to contact us anytime. Thanks for considering partnership in this amazing journey of making Jesus known to the next generation of Argentines.

Chris and Flor